Life in terms of citrus

Life always throws you's whether you choose to make lemonade, throw the lemons at someone else, or hide them in the back of the freezer that counts...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Christmas Card Crisis

My Christmas Cards are staring at me.

I'm serious. I bought my Christmas cards yesterday, and this has turned into a colossal mistake. This morning, I made my Christmas card list. Tonight, I'm trying to force myself to not start writing them out. The post office doesn't even have the holiday stamps yet, Thanksgiving has yet to put us in a food coma, and I'm having to find reasons to NOT write my cards. Black Friday, my favorite (no, really, it is) shopping day of the year hasn't put me into bargain hunter heaven yet....the 25 Days of Christmas haven't started...and I'm thinking about Christmas cards almost obsessively.

And while I'm on this, let me just get on my soap box for a second. I celebrate CHRISTMAS. So my cards will say CHRISTMAS. And it's getting more and more difficult to find cards that even say "Christmas". I completely agree with Ben Stein in his tongue-in-cheek view of how politically correct we as a society have become where we worry about offending someone by spreading the good will of the season by saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays". Why do even good will and offerings of peace have to be dictated by this country's incredibly stifling need of political correctness? If someone were to wish me "Happy Hanukkah", I wouldn't be slighted or offended in the least, I'd just be happy that a complete stranger felt the good will toward another human being to say something nice. If we are so concerned about offending people, let's take Santa out of the picture and start looking at our everyday interactions with people, particularly on the road or at work. Or think about how we talk to the people in our lives. If you're going to get offended, get offended by the way your boss talks to you, or by the way someone doesn't say "excuse me", or by the way people abuse their power at the expense of the innocent. But don't get offended by someone saying "Merry Christmas". Let's keep it in perspective. And my cards will say Christmas. So MERRY CHRISTMAS.

But, I digress. Soap box didn't scratch the card writing itch.

So, I worked out.

Just in case you didn't know, let me TELL you, P90X is not the type of workout regime that you just arbitrarily say, "Yeah, that seems like a good idea" and then pick it up willy nilly. Lesson learned today. Ease oneself back into P90, don't do all of the reps, and don't even ATTEMPT the #$&!-ing "Dreya Roll" the first few times out. But, I'm sure most people aren't as arrogantly hard-headed as I am when it comes to what they are physically able to do. I think I have the same kind of complex that a chihuahua does. I think I am so much bigger than I actually am, and I don't really have a realistic view of what my physical limitations are, or that I'm not intimidating. Similarly, I think that I'm much taller than I actually am, and I'm used to my perception of heights of both myself and others. So when I see pictures of myself with other people, I'm always shocked at how little I actually am! Pictures with my family lie; we're all short. Pictures with certain friends also lie, because they are also petite. But when I saw a picture of myself with a certain gangster, I was like....holy hell, I'm a wee one! And, I'd like to add, I was in 3 or 4 inch heels. I guess I'm travel size?

BUT, the soreness in, well, everywhere, and a muscle strain headache did not diminish the strong desire to write out Christmas cards.

So, I changed my clothes over instead.

And that turned into a very productive hour of turning the wardrobe from summer to winter, and realizing that the quantity of sweaters I have would put Felicity to shame. It was going great, cleaning out my drawers, throwing out things that I don't wear, are stained, etc...having a nice conversation with my mom, and then WHACK!

Ella head-butted an open drawer when she was trying to jump off of my bed.

Yes, that's right.

Yes, cats ARE supposed to have great depth perception.

Apparently, mine doesn't. Smh. And now she's afraid to jump off of the bed.

Even that has not lessened the craving for the Christmas cards.

So, I'm blogging instead. ;)