Life in terms of citrus

Life always throws you's whether you choose to make lemonade, throw the lemons at someone else, or hide them in the back of the freezer that counts...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 4, 1776

It's been quite awhile since I have written, and it's not been because I haven't been thinking or doing anything; in fact, it's because too much has been going on and I haven't found the time or the way to organize my thoughts. I'm currently reading "The Help", and I am finding it so inspiring because of the courage that the characters had to make changes in the face of truly dangerous adversity and hypocrisy. It is inspiring me to continue to find the courage to go on with my own slightly crazy, life-changing, and totally needed, adventure.

I'm moving. To Washington, DC. In 3 weeks.

I toyed with the idea of making this a facebook post, but that just seemed too public for me...the only ones of you that read this are those that actually care--at least a little--about what is going on in my life, or are just so nosy that you'd mole it out anyway. To the former, thank you for being such a constant source of support, encouragement, love, and friendship. To the nosy ones...I understand.

Those of you that called, texted, wrote, or posted, when the news broke at school--I am so grateful and touched that you made the effort. I have made such wonderful, amazing friends at FTS, and if I could just move 2 Pines Road to DC, I absolutely would in a second to have everyone there. The friendships that we have will not be lost through time or distance, as I fully intend on sending a few of you a "that's what she said" text message every morning...just to cover the entire day. I'll be visiting to have "fruit", pitchers of margaritas, cake, and "F-ing Fridays" with you regularly!

And just to be clear. This move is for me. And me alone. Ella didn't even have a say. No one did. The decision was made, and when I told my family, I wasn't asking for permission. I was telling them my plans, and asking for help and support. I've needed a change for quite sometime. I have felt so suffocated and stifled. I've been trying to make little changes for the past year or so, from "dating myself" to looking for houses, to joining a gym...and everything in between. I've never lived outside of my perfect little bubble. The new year hit me hard, and then my birthday hit me harder because it made me realize how many experiences I haven't had because I haven't taken the risk or given myself the chance. I wasn't ready to go away to school at 18, and that was fine. But I am ready to go away now. And now is truly the perfect time to go--let's face it...I just have Ella. And she goes wherever the cat-carrier door opens.

Will I fail? There's no chance of failure; it doesn't exist. I'm ambitious, stubborn, driven, and scrappy. If you know me well, at all, you'd know that I'll do whatever I need to do in order to be successful in any endeavor. Sky's the limit, and I'm shooting for the moon. I'm going to get my cheese, as the saying goes.

Friendships and long-distance moves aren't two things that one would think are things that complement one another. Please please please know that I am going to be the most amazing person at keeping in touch EVER! Invitations to visit, and me regularly invading your homes to visit will be happening. You all mean entirely too much to me to not keep in touch. And let's put it in's 4 hours away. Not far at all. :-)

I'm so excited for this move. The energy of the city is palpable to me, and I can feel it, and I am so drawn to it. I am ready for the opportunities, all of them, that are going to be presenting themselves to me, and I know that it is going to be the best thing that I have ever done for myself.

I'm also excited to send out those little "I've moved!" cards....I know... ;-) <3

I guess how I want to wrap this up is that I want you to be inspired to do the thing that you think you can't. I didn't think that this--all of it-- would actually happen, and it is. The biggest rewards come from the greatest risks, and I think that we all have that little voice inside of us that keeps saying "what if??" Listen to that's the one that made you want to be an astronaut or doctor or President when you were a little kid. That voice is so loud when we are children and we silence it as we get older until it is no more than a whisper when we are at our most whimsical. Because we have to be practical, or reasonable, or rational. If I silenced that voice, I wouldn't be moving. But I've listened, and the past few months have been the very best of my adult life because I am doing the very thing that I want to do, but have been so afraid to do...until now. :-)